A visionary, moving and one-of-a-kind anthology of writing on what it means to be trans today and every day.
From the daily bite of anxiety as you go to leave the house, to the freedom found swimming in the wild, through to moments of queer rage and joy and the peculiar timeslip of reliving your adolescence, the stories in this collection reveal the untold lived realities of trans people to help inform, inspire and unite. Spanning a range of topics such as gender dysphoria, transphobia, chest binding, gender reassignment surgery, coming out in later life, migration and love and relationships, these unique first-person accounts celebrate the beauty and diversity of being trans and will empower others on their journey.
Showcasing eight new exciting trans writers, this extraordinary collection is a powerful and heartfelt love-letter to the trans community.
Mit einem Vorwort von / With a foreward by Meg-John Barker, Juno Roche und Sabah Choudry.
Stories by: Den Casey, Kole Fulmine, Danielle Hopkins, Kirrin Medcalf, Harry Mizumoto, Tash Oakes-Monger, Edward Whelan, Ezra Woodger.
- Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
- Seitenanzahl: 112
- Einbandart: Softcover
- Sprache: Englisch
- Illustrator*in: Jillian Rae Celentano
- ISBN: 9781787758513
- Verlag: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Maße: 19,3/12,3/1,1 cm
- Gewicht: 114 Gramm