Amsterdam based performance artist and musician Ascan Delarber teamed up with photographer Frederike Wetzels to retell the tale of soft core pornography in My Venus Got a Penis And My Adonis Got Their Tits Chopped Off. The independently published magazine explores sexuality and sensuality, desire and (re)presentation out of transgender perspectives, using picture and text as tools to invite you into a mystical realm of ever-changing chimeras, secret gardens and powerful tarot empresses. As the editorial says: “The idea of this magazine is to bring some beauty to your hands, to share some pride, some romance, some sex, to show that you’re not alone, that we are here and we are thriving, now stronger and more confident in our bodies than ever.” My Venus Got a Penis And My Adonis Got Their Tits Chopped Off is the product of a tight collaboration between trans*people and cis people. It was made for trans* people and cis people who are ready to witness the uncensored beauty of being trans*.
- Text/Illustrationen: Ascan Delarber, Frederike Wetzels
- 60 Seiten
- Sprache: Englisch
- A4
- Konzept: Ascan Delarber und Frederike Wetzels
- Gestaltung und Layout: Julian Krischker
- Hersteller*in: Ascan Delarber und Frederike Wetzels
- gefördert vom Netzwerk Geschlechtliche Vielfalt Trans* NRW
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