Sticker “Feeling Myself” von You’re Welcome Club

4,50  inkl. Mwst.

Sticker von Hilde Atalanta aus Amsterdam



Sticker von Sam Hil Atalanta, Illustrator*in und Schöpfer*in von You’re Welcome Club.

  • Aufkleber werden in vollfarbiger UV-stabiler Tinte auf ein langlebiges, schweres Vinyl mit starker Kleberücklage gedruckt
  • Maße ca. 7,5 x 7,5 cm
  • Materialien: Color, Vinyl, Papier

You’re Welcome Club: „Is an illustrational project in which I’m celebrating diversity by showing individuals with different kinds of backgrounds, sexualities, gender identities and body shapes. I’m aiming to make a series of illustrations in which people recognise themselves, and I’m putting an emphasis on individuals that aren’t often portrayed. I want people to feel welcome, included, and to know that they belong in our society just like you and me.“

Sam Hil Atalanta (also creator of @thevulvagallery) is a non-binary artist in Amsterdam.



Sam Hil Atalanta
Elpermeer 236
1025 AN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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